Everything you will ever need to know about

Soilless Growing

Jump aboard! Your next stop is the future of gardening

Unlock endless urban gardening possibilities —

no matter the space you're working or the system you're using with when you sign up to our MasterClass in soilless growing...

Preview our new MasterClass now...

Welcome Video

Get to know us - we've been growing hydroponically, aeroponically amd in soil for a number of years and have a broad level of experience .

It's not just the basics you will gain from us, there are many tips and tricks that we have learnt along the way. We've lost entire crops, grown many magnificent plants and supplied a consistent level of produce both in our own kitchens and to our restaurant.

Choosing Your Plants - 2 videos

There are many different plants that you can choose for your system

, that's what makes it so exciting!

. Fast growing, slow growing, vining, fruiting, the list goes on. These two videos look at how you choose them and where they sit in your system.

How quickly certain types grow and where to place them in the system to maximise your growth.

Grow Perfect Seedlings - 2 videos

Firstly we look at a bit of theory as to what a seed needs to germinate and the difference and benefits between different seed plugs.

We talk about mixing the right ingredients at the right time, to make sure that you produce a consistent strong plant every single time.

Then a full 15 minutes, over the shoulder look at how to go about the process. What useful equipment you can buy and exactly how to then use it to produce a strong, consistent seedling..

Keeping Your System Healthy

You've chosen your plants, you've grown some super healthy seedlings and now it's all about making sure the environment is in good shape for them

Little things go a long way in making sure that you grow amazingly strong plants. Amazingly strong plants = super delicious plants and that's what it's all about!

How to Harvest - 2 videos

The good bit! How to harvest your plants, ready to eat!

2 videos on the best way to deal with harvesting.

Cut and come again, full head, fruit, berries, there are lots of different ways of removing the produce that you've grown. Best practices for not damaging your plant and getting the best produce you can are a click away.

How To Avoid & Deal With Pests

Just like death and taxes, at some point your going to get pests. Soil growers get way more pests than urban farmers but does that stop them- absolutely not!

Pests are not the nightmare worry that everyone get's concerned about- having dealt with them many times..

You just manage the situation by putting in ways to avoid them and then have ready, your ways to remove them. Simple, no sweat.

When you get started today...

8 Advanced Video Tutorials

Over 2.5 hours of video footage

Audio-only lessons

Download and watch offline

Downloadable lesson guides for every lesson

Watch on desktop, TV, or mobile devices

New classes added every month

Community Access

1 months free access to our online community

Only £19.95 per month thereafter

Learn from our community of growers

Benefit from other growers knowledge

Make friends while you grow

Weekly Zoom calls with Will covering everything you could possibly want to know

Ongoing Support

Be assured that you'll never face unanswered questions. Online and Facebook forums offer countless 'experts' with misguided advice. Learn from experienced individuals who have grown commercially and personally for years.

Weekly Zoom calls covering a range of topics including...

How to grow a strong bountiful tomato plant

How to grow highly nutritious micro’s (not micro leaf) on a tower

How to create a consistent growing & harvesting schedule

How to protect against predators

How to harvest cut & come again versus whole head

The benefits off growing your own food, for your and the plant

How to put towers in schools and make a side income

The economic benefits of growing certain plant types

Aeroponics technology is re-envisioning the way we grow our food and moving growing into urban areas. Green thumb or not – it's easy to grow the aeroponic way. You too can enjoy the benefits of a home garden – indoors or outdoors – within a matter of weeks.


Learn from the best


Urban Gardening Guru

Seedleaves founder William Benson is highly experienced in growing produce both indoors and outdoors on a range of hydroponic and aeroponic systems. He has successfully been growing from home for several years as well as operating a Towerfarm for 3 years (365) to supply his restaurant & retail outlet with a substantial volume & continuous supply of fresh produce. In this course, Will shares all the tips & tricks his has learnt along the way in 8 fun, engaging & easy to digest online lessons to guarantee your own success!

Grow your own food from seed

All year round, in any space

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How much does it cost and what do I get?

A Complete Guide to Aeroponic Growing - £195

8 lessons / 2.5+ hours of material

Access to our community of Seedleaders

Our Team

William Benson

Grown with a number of different systems both indoors and out

Alex Douglas

Masters in Chemistry and years worth of installing commercial systems

Robert Von Thun Coombs

15 years working in market gardens growing organic produce for many people

Here's what our Seedleaders have to say...


This was a very immersive and interesting course -- a lot of self-learning to be done on your own to really understand and put together into practice.



I really enjoyed the course with practical tools that you can implement and enhance your learning experience. Recommend this course to anyone looking to start a journey in urban growing.



This has been an exceptional course and I have put my heart and soul in to it. Primarily because I am fully committed to improving my wellbeing and reducing my carbon footprint. Now I look ahead to putting everything I've learnt into practice.


If you are venturing into aeroponics, this is the course for you. It's easy to digest and the . Thanks, team of course and Coursera.


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